
Reset Your Mind

Just like our digital devices, humans need to be reset...but life’s fast pace doesn’t make it easy to pause. We’re constantly connected to our phones and computers and we never truly unwind. That’s exactly why we created The Sanctuary Wellness Retreats.

3-days. No devices. So you can truly reset your mind.


Refresh Your Body

Deep down, we know what our bodies need. We need clean, biodynamic food, cellular hydration, balanced minerals, intuitive movement, well dosed sun light, grounding, creative playtime, deep soul connection and of course restorative sleep.

All of these 9 pillars of health are fostered here at The Sanctuary Retreat.


Rediscover Your Spirit

Our spirit needs to be nurtured equally along with our body. The demands of a crazy world don’t give us time to balance our mind, body and spirit so we’re grounded and connected to what matters most. When is the last time you journaled? Or painted? Danced? or Laughed? We offer opportunities to unlock your creative spirit again.


The Experience

What makes us different

Enjoy your own 400 foot beach cottage with mulberry silk sheets and quaint decor 3 blocks from the beach. Image yourself Indulging in luxurious elixirs within the confines of an adult-sized treehouse while witnessing the breathtaking sunset. Plan to savor every bite of the delectable creations crafted by our private chef. Enjoy wellness therapies that help reconnect you with your body, and rediscovering the joy of feeling recharged. Sip hot adaptogenic cocoa by the fire as you gain insights into overcoming barriers to connection with your true purpose. Your journey to rejuvenate both body and bonds begins here.


Day 1

Escape to paradise with a full body massage, tea ceremony, aromatherapy, and soothing scalp massage. This is your welcoming ritual, easing you into a true state of relaxation.

You’ll experience soul nurturing, beach walks, sunset meditation, customized wellness therapies, and farm to table meals.

In the evening, be encouraged by an inspirational talk and finish your evening with a mineral foot bath and reflexology massage. Drift off to slumber after a mineralizing drink to aid in a good night’s sleep.

*This is a sample day. All days are customized and will look different for each client.


Day 2

Begin your day with breakfast in your private suite and time to connect with what really matters to you. Enjoy a healing stretch over Sunset Cliffs, body rolling and strengthening classes, and a private session with an integrative nutritionist.

Be treated to cell rejuvenating practices, integrative structural massage and a cleansing and brightening facial. Embark on a guided beach hike, receive a cryogenic stem cell treatment, lymphatic drainage, and soothing techniques to cradle you to sleep.

*Sample Day. Schedules will customized for each client.


Day 3

Experience the pleasure of breathing deeper and knowing what complete relaxation feels like. On this third day of deep nurturing, your body is now awakening and rejuvenation has begun.

We will provide you with the tools and techniques you need to take The Sanctuary Wellness Experience home and integrate it into your daily life. You’ll leave our gates fully reset, refreshed and energized.

*Sample Day.


Reserve Your Reset

The Sanctuary Wellness Experience hosts one retreat a month in an intimate setting. If you would like to learn more please fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch within 24 hours.





Complete the form below and we’ll be in touch
